Showing 176 - 200 of 477 Results
Lettres de L'Abbe Edgeworth : Confesseur de Louis XVI, A Ses Amis (1818) by Edgeworth, Henry Essex ISBN: 9781168199621 List Price: $31.96
Stendhal et Ses Amis; Notes D'un Curieux by [Cordier, Henri] 1849-1925 ISBN: 9781175372369 List Price: $21.75
Saturday Papers, Essays on Literature from the Literary Review; the First Volume of Selectio... by Canby, Henry Seidel, Bene´t... ISBN: 9781176386754 List Price: $21.75
Advantures de Joseph Andrews V1 : Et du Son Ami Abraham Adams (1744) by Fielding, Henry ISBN: 9781165930944 List Price: $27.16
Ami de Pétrarque : Lettres de Francesco Nelli À Pétrarque by Cochin, Henry, Nelli, Franc... ISBN: 9781148310343 List Price: $32.75
Voltaire Au Collége : Sa Famille, Ses Études, Ses Premiers Amis. Lettres et Documents Inédits by Voltaire, Beaune, Henri ISBN: 9781148605395 List Price: $32.75
Lettres À un Ami de Séminaire Publiées by Lacordaire, Henri-Dominique ISBN: 9781148990279 List Price: $21.75
Avantures de Joseph Andrews et de Son Ami Abraham Adams by Fielding, Henry ISBN: 9781149027295 List Price: $26.75
Metrical Romances of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries : Richard Coer de L... by Weber, Henry William ISBN: 9781149223703 List Price: $38.75
Sequences in Time and Space : The Art of Henri Linton by Roadarmel, Amy ISBN: 9780974574202 List Price: $15.00
Foundations and Bridges : The Life of Henry Clay Hofheimer II by Yarsinske, Amy Waters ISBN: 9780966578003 List Price: $45.00
New Anatomies : Tracing Emotion in Henry Miller's Writings by Flaxman, Amy M. ISBN: 9780966721218 List Price: $35.00
New Anatomies : Tracing Emotion in Henry Miller's Writings by Flaxman, Amy M. ISBN: 9780966721201 List Price: $50.00
Ash Cans and Art Spirits : Amy Londoner and the Henri School by Miller-Lanning, Darlene, Mi... ISBN: 9780970559227
ami de Pétrarque : lettres de Francesco Nelli à Pétrarque by Cochin, Henry, Nelli, Franc... ISBN: 9781115446372 List Price: $23.99
Saturday Papers, Essays on Literature from the Literary Review by Benét, William Rose, Canby,... ISBN: 9781117539553 List Price: $18.99
Oeuvres inédites le Paresseux la Vieille Femme et le Jeune Mari. les amis de Molière by Lecomte, L. -Henry ISBN: 9781117659183 List Price: $20.99
Stendhal et Ses Amis by Cordier, Henri ISBN: 9781276250887 List Price: $21.75
Code Civil du Canton de Vaud : Avec la Corr�lation des Articles Entre Eux by Bippert, Henri, Bornand, Ami ISBN: 9781276470247 List Price: $39.75
L' Ami de la Fortune, Ou Memoires du Marquis de S A by Jean Henri Maubert De Gouvest ISBN: 9781279620878 List Price: $24.75
Patrick Henry: Voice of the Revolution (The Library of American Lives and Times Series) by Amy Kukla, John Kukla ISBN: 9781455805389 List Price: $24.99
Patrick Henry: Voice of the Revolution (The Library of American Lives and Times Series) by Amy Kukla, John Kukla ISBN: 9781455805396 List Price: $29.97
Lettres quelques amis (French Edition) by Henri Franck ISBN: 9785518937284 List Price: $44.95
Story Mama: What Children's Stories Teach Us About Life, Love and Mothering by Amy Ruth Henry ISBN: 9780615881263 List Price: $12.95
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